Media Collection Area
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School Allocation and Need...
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Based on projected donations and fundraising efforts, we have allocated the following complete backpacks and or supplies to each school for the following amounts: ALMO 2 backpacks $110 ALBION 6 Backpacks $330 BURLEY: White Pine 14 Backpacks $770 BURLEY: Mtn […]
2019 Sponsors
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2018 Backpack Project Summ...
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Our first year of donating backpacks was a huge success. Rotarians, spouses, and guests all showed up to help us prepare the backpacks for distribution.
District Conference remind...
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District conference 2019 in Boise May 17-19.
New website coming
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We are updating our website to feature all the great works our club is doing. Stay tuned for more information.